APRESIA Technical Blog

SONiC YANGを使った設定パラメータの確認方法




ただし、コマンドレファレンスは更新が漏れている可能性もありますし、SONiCの設定パラメータの中でSONiC CLIによる変更がサポートされていないものも存在します。SONiCの設定情報はconfig_db.jsonというjsonファイルにて管理されています(こちらのを参照ください)。CLIによって変更できないパラメータは、config_db.jsonを直接編集してSONiCに反映させることが可能です。config_db.jsonにて設定可能なパラメータは以下にて説明されています。
ただし、このドキュメントはconfig_db.jsonのサンプルを示していますが、各パラメータに設定可能な値の定義は説明していません。例えば、Device Metadataは以下のサンプルが掲載されています。

        "localhost": {
        "hwsku": "Force10-S6100",
        "default_bgp_status": "up",
        "docker_routing_config_mode": "unified",
        "hostname": "sonic-s6100-01",
        "platform": "x86_64-dell_s6100_c2538-r0",
        "mac": "4c:76:25:f4:70:82",
        "default_pfcwd_status": "disable",
        "bgp_asn": "65100",
        "deployment_id": "1",
        "type": "ToRRouter",
        "buffer_model": "traditional"

この中で、例えばdocker_routing_config_modeにunifiedを設定できることは分かりますが、それ以外に何の値を設定できるのか分かりません。ですが、SONiC YANGを参照すれば、それらの定義を把握することができます。


SONiCコミュニティでは、201911ブランチからManagement Frameworkを開発し始めています。こちらでHLD(基本設計)が公開されています。このManagement Frameworkにて以下の仕組みが導入されています。
・OpenConfigの標準YANG、あるいはカスタマイズYANGから、設定用のRest API、CLIを自動で生成
・Config Validation (設定パラメータの妥当性チェック)
この中で、最後のConfig Validationは、config_db.jsonに登録するデータについて値のチェックを行います。このデータのチェックのルールを書き出したものが以下のSONiC YANGです。
このSONiC YANGは、こちらのSONiC YANG MODEL GUIDELINESに従って定義されています。このSONiC YANGを使ってSONiCはConfig Validationを実行しています。つまり、このSONiC YANGはプログラムの一部になりますので、SONiCの仕様を知るのに信頼性の高い情報と言えます。

SONiC YANGから設定可能なパラメータの確認方法

具体的にSONiC YANGの定義を確認します。今回は202106ブランチのこちらののコミットで確認しています。sonic-device_metadata.yangを例として示します。

module sonic-device_metadata {

    yang-version 1.1;

    namespace "http://github.com/Azure/sonic-device_metadata";
    prefix device_metadata;

    import ietf-yang-types {
        prefix yang;

    import ietf-inet-types {
        prefix inet;

    import sonic-types {
        prefix stypes;
        revision-date 2019-07-01;

    description "DEVICE_METADATA YANG Module for SONiC OS";
    revision 2021-02-27 {
        description "Added frr_mgmt_framework_config field to handle BGP 
            config DB schema events to configure FRR protocols.";

    revision 2020-04-10 {
        description "First Revision";

    container sonic-device_metadata {

        container DEVICE_METADATA {

            description "DEVICE_METADATA part of config_db.json";

            container localhost{

                leaf hwsku {
                    type stypes:hwsku;

                leaf default_bgp_status {
                    type enumeration {
                        enum up;
                        enum down;
                    default up;

                leaf docker_routing_config_mode {
                    type string {
                        pattern "unified|split|separated";
                    default "unified";

                leaf hostname {
                    type string {
                        length 1..255;

                leaf platform {
                    type string {
                        length 1..255;

                leaf mac {
                    type yang:mac-address;

                leaf default_pfcwd_status {
                    type enumeration {
                        enum disable;
                        enum enable;
                    default disable;

                leaf bgp_asn {
                    type inet:as-number;

                leaf deployment_id {
                    type uint32;

                leaf type {
                    type string {
                        length 1..255;
                        pattern "ToRRouter|LeafRouter|SpineChassisFrontendRouter|ChassisBackendRouter|ASIC";

                leaf buffer_model {
                    description "This leaf is added for dynamic buffer calculation.
                                The dynamic model represents the model in which the buffer configurations,
                                like the headroom sizes and buffer pool sizes, are dynamically calculated based
                                on the ports' speed, cable length, and MTU. This model is used by Mellanox so far.
                                The traditional model represents the model in which all the buffer configurations
                                are statically configured in CONFIG_DB tables. This is the default model used by all other vendors";
                    type string {
                        pattern "dynamic|traditional";

                leaf frr_mgmt_framework_config {
                    type boolean;
                    description "FRR configurations are handled by sonic-frr-mgmt-framework module when set to true, 
                        otherwise, sonic-bgpcfgd handles the FRR configurations based on the predefined templates.";
                    default "false";
            /* end of container localhost */
        /* end of container DEVICE_METADATA */
    /* end of top level container */
/* end of module sonic-device_metadata */


                leaf docker_routing_config_mode {
                    type string {
                        pattern "unified|split|separated";
                    default "unified";


以上、SONiC YANGからSONiCの設定情報のパラメータを把握する方法を紹介いたしました。今回ご紹介したように、YANGにてデータモデルを定義することで、ソフトウェア開発の効率を上げながら、同時に仕様を正確に把握できる環境が作られています。
最後に補足ですが、pyangを使って、YANGの定義をツリーに表示させることができます。SONiC YANG全体にpyangのtree表示をした結果を、ご参考までに以下に示します。

$ pyang -f tree *.yang

module: sonic-acl
  +--rw sonic-acl
     +--rw ACL_RULE
     |     +--rw ACL_TABLE_NAME             -> /sonic-acl/ACL_TABLE/ACL_TABLE_LIST/ACL_TABLE_NAME
     |     +--rw RULE_NAME                  string
     |     +--rw PACKET_ACTION              stypes:packet_action
     |     +--rw IP_TYPE                    stypes:ip_type
     |     +--rw PRIORITY                   uint32
     |     +--rw (ip_prefix) 
     |     |  +--:(ip4_prefix)
     |     |  |  +--rw SRC_IP               inet:ipv4-prefix
     |     |  |  +--rw DST_IP               inet:ipv4-prefix
     |     |  +--:(ip6_prefix)
     |     |     +--rw SRC_IPV6             inet:ipv6-prefix
     |     |     +--rw DST_IPV6             inet:ipv6-prefix
     |     +--rw IN_PORTS*                  uint16
     |     +--rw OUT_PORTS*                 uint16
     |     +--rw (src_port) 
     |     |  +--:(l4_src_port)
     |     |  |  +--rw L4_SRC_PORT          uint16
     |     |  +--:(l4_src_port_range)
     |     |     +--rw L4_SRC_PORT_RANGE    string
     |     +--rw (dst_port) 
     |     |  +--:(l4_dst_port)
     |     |  |  +--rw L4_DST_PORT          uint16
     |     |  +--:(l4_dst_port_range)
     |     |     +--rw L4_DST_PORT_RANGE    string
     |     +--rw ETHER_TYPE                 string
     |     +--rw IP_PROTOCOL                uint8
     |     +--rw TCP_FLAGS                  string
     |     +--rw DSCP                       uint8
     |     +--rw TC                         uint8
     |     +--rw (icmp) 
     |     |  +--:(icmp4)
     |     |  |  +--rw ICMP_TYPE            uint8
     |     |  |  +--rw ICMP_CODE            uint8
     |     |  +--:(icmp6)
     |     |     +--rw ICMPV6_TYPE          uint8
     |     |     +--rw ICMPV6_CODE          uint8
     |     +--rw INNER_ETHER_TYPE           string
     |     +--rw INNER_IP_PROTOCOL          uint8
     |     +--rw INNER_L4_SRC_PORT          uint16
     |     +--rw INNER_L4_DST_PORT          uint16
     +--rw ACL_TABLE
           +--rw ACL_TABLE_NAME    string
           +--rw policy_desc       string
           +--rw type              stypes:acl_table_type
           +--rw stage             string
           +--rw services*         string
           +--rw ports*            union

module: sonic-bgp-global
  +--rw sonic-bgp-global
     +--rw BGP_GLOBALS
     |  +--rw BGP_GLOBALS_LIST* [vrf_name]
     |     +--rw vrf_name                           union
     |     +--rw router_id                          inet:ipv4-address
     |     +--rw local_asn                          uint32
     |     +--rw always_compare_med                 boolean
     |     +--rw load_balance_mp_relax              boolean
     |     +--rw graceful_restart_enable            boolean
     |     +--rw gr_preserve_fw_state               boolean
     |     +--rw gr_restart_time                    uint16
     |     +--rw gr_stale_routes_time               uint16
     |     +--rw external_compare_router_id         boolean
     |     +--rw ignore_as_path_length              boolean
     |     +--rw log_nbr_state_changes              boolean
     |     +--rw rr_cluster_id                      string
     |     +--rw rr_allow_out_policy                boolean
     |     +--rw disable_ebgp_connected_rt_check    boolean
     |     +--rw fast_external_failover             boolean
     |     +--rw network_import_check               boolean
     |     +--rw graceful_shutdown                  boolean
     |     +--rw rr_clnt_to_clnt_reflection         boolean
     |     +--rw max_dynamic_neighbors              uint16
     |     +--rw read_quanta                        uint8
     |     +--rw write_quanta                       uint8
     |     +--rw coalesce_time                      uint32
     |     +--rw route_map_process_delay            uint16
     |     +--rw deterministic_med                  boolean
     |     +--rw med_confed                         boolean
     |     +--rw med_missing_as_worst               boolean
     |     +--rw compare_confed_as_path             boolean
     |     +--rw as_path_mp_as_set                  boolean
     |     +--rw default_ipv4_unicast               boolean
     |     +--rw default_local_preference           uint32
     |     +--rw default_show_hostname              boolean
     |     +--rw default_shutdown                   boolean
     |     +--rw default_subgroup_pkt_queue_max     uint8
     |     +--rw max_med_time                       uint32
     |     +--rw max_med_val                        uint32
     |     +--rw max_med_admin                      boolean
     |     +--rw max_med_admin_val                  uint32
     |     +--rw max_delay                          uint16
     |     +--rw establish_wait                     uint16
     |     +--rw confed_id                          uint32
     |     +--rw confed_peers*                      uint32
     |     +--rw keepalive                          uint16
     |     +--rw holdtime                           uint16
     +--rw BGP_GLOBALS_AF
     |  +--rw BGP_GLOBALS_AF_LIST* [vrf_name afi_safi]
     |     +--rw vrf_name                                -> ../../../BGP_GLOBALS/BGP_GLOBALS_LIST/vrf_name
     |     +--rw afi_safi                                string
     |     +--rw max_ebgp_paths                          uint16
     |     +--rw max_ibgp_paths                          uint16
     |     +--rw import_vrf                              union
     |     +--rw import_vrf_route_map                    -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw route_download_filter                   -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw ebgp_route_distance                     uint8
     |     +--rw ibgp_route_distance                     uint8
     |     +--rw local_route_distance                    uint8
     |     +--rw ibgp_equal_cluster_length               boolean
     |     +--rw route_flap_dampen                       boolean
     |     +--rw route_flap_dampen_half_life             uint8
     |     +--rw route_flap_dampen_reuse_threshold       uint16
     |     +--rw route_flap_dampen_suppress_threshold    uint16
     |     +--rw route_flap_dampen_max_suppress          uint8
     |  +--rw BGP_GLOBALS_AF_AGGREGATE_ADDR_LIST* [vrf_name afi_safi ip_prefix]
     |     +--rw vrf_name        -> ../../../BGP_GLOBALS/BGP_GLOBALS_LIST/vrf_name
     |     +--rw afi_safi        string
     |     +--rw ip_prefix       inet:ip-prefix
     |     +--rw as_set          boolean
     |     +--rw summary_only    boolean
     |     +--rw policy          -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
        +--rw BGP_GLOBALS_AF_NETWORK_LIST* [vrf_name afi_safi ip_prefix]
           +--rw vrf_name     -> ../../../BGP_GLOBALS/BGP_GLOBALS_LIST/vrf_name
           +--rw afi_safi     string
           +--rw ip_prefix    inet:ip-prefix
           +--rw policy       -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw backdoor     boolean

module: sonic-bgp-neighbor
  +--rw sonic-bgp-neighbor
     +--rw BGP_NEIGHBOR
     |  +--rw BGP_NEIGHBOR_LIST* [vrf_name neighbor]
     |     +--rw vrf_name                              -> /bgpg:sonic-bgp-global/BGP_GLOBALS/BGP_GLOBALS_LIST/vrf_name
     |     +--rw neighbor                              union
     |     +--rw peer_group_name                       -> /bgppg:sonic-bgp-peergroup/BGP_PEER_GROUP/BGP_PEER_GROUP_LIST[bgppg:vrf_name=current()/../vrf_name]/peer_group_name
     |     +--rw local_asn                             uint32
     |     +--rw name                                  string
     |     +--rw asn                                   uint32
     |     +--rw peer_type                             bgp_peer_type
     |     +--rw ebgp_multihop                         boolean
     |     +--rw ebgp_multihop_ttl                     uint8
     |     +--rw auth_password                         string
     |     +--rw keepalive                             uint16
     |     +--rw holdtime                              uint16
     |     +--rw conn_retry                            uint16
     |     +--rw min_adv_interval                      uint16
     |     +--rw local_addr                            union
     |     +--rw passive_mode                          boolean
     |     +--rw capability_ext_nexthop                boolean
     |     +--rw disable_ebgp_connected_route_check    boolean
     |     +--rw enforce_first_as                      boolean
     |     +--rw solo_peer                             boolean
     |     +--rw ttl_security_hops                     uint8
     |     +--rw bfd                                   boolean
     |     +--rw bfd_check_ctrl_plane_failure          boolean
     |     +--rw capability_dynamic                    boolean
     |     +--rw dont_negotiate_capability             boolean
     |     +--rw enforce_multihop                      boolean
     |     +--rw override_capability                   boolean
     |     +--rw peer_port                             uint16
     |     +--rw shutdown_message                      string
     |     +--rw strict_capability_match               boolean
     |     +--rw admin_status                          boolean
     |     +--rw local_as_no_prepend                   boolean
     |     +--rw local_as_replace_as                   boolean
     +--rw BGP_NEIGHBOR_AF
        +--rw BGP_NEIGHBOR_AF_LIST* [vrf_name neighbor afi_safi]
           +--rw vrf_name                        -> /bgpg:sonic-bgp-global/BGP_GLOBALS/BGP_GLOBALS_LIST/vrf_name
           +--rw neighbor                        -> ../../../BGP_NEIGHBOR/BGP_NEIGHBOR_LIST[vrf_name=current()/../vrf_name]/neighbor
           +--rw afi_safi                        string
           +--rw admin_status                    boolean
           +--rw send_default_route              boolean
           +--rw default_rmap                    -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw max_prefix_limit                uint32
           +--rw max_prefix_warning_only         boolean
           +--rw max_prefix_warning_threshold    uint8
           +--rw max_prefix_restart_interval     uint16
           +--rw route_map_in*                   -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw route_map_out*                  -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw soft_reconfiguration_in         boolean
           +--rw unsuppress_map_name             -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw rrclient                        boolean
           +--rw weight                          uint16
           +--rw as_override                     boolean
           +--rw send_community                  bgp_community_type
           +--rw tx_add_paths                    bgp_tx_add_paths_type
           +--rw unchanged_as_path               boolean
           +--rw unchanged_med                   boolean
           +--rw unchanged_nexthop               boolean
           +--rw filter_list_in                  -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/AS_PATH_SET/AS_PATH_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw filter_list_out                 -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/AS_PATH_SET/AS_PATH_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw nhself                          boolean
           +--rw nexthop_self_force              boolean
           +--rw prefix_list_in                  -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/PREFIX_SET/PREFIX_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw prefix_list_out                 -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/PREFIX_SET/PREFIX_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw remove_private_as_enabled       boolean
           +--rw replace_private_as              boolean
           +--rw remove_private_as_all           boolean
           +--rw allow_as_in                     boolean
           +--rw allow_as_count                  uint8
           +--rw allow_as_origin                 boolean
           +--rw cap_orf                         sonic_bgp_orf
           +--rw route_server_client             boolean

module: sonic-bgp-peergroup
  +--rw sonic-bgp-peergroup
     +--rw BGP_PEER_GROUP
     |  +--rw BGP_PEER_GROUP_LIST* [vrf_name peer_group_name]
     |     +--rw vrf_name                              -> /bgpg:sonic-bgp-global/BGP_GLOBALS/BGP_GLOBALS_LIST/vrf_name
     |     +--rw peer_group_name                       string
     |     +--rw local_asn                             uint32
     |     +--rw name                                  string
     |     +--rw asn                                   uint32
     |     +--rw peer_type                             bgp_peer_type
     |     +--rw ebgp_multihop                         boolean
     |     +--rw ebgp_multihop_ttl                     uint8
     |     +--rw auth_password                         string
     |     +--rw keepalive                             uint16
     |     +--rw holdtime                              uint16
     |     +--rw conn_retry                            uint16
     |     +--rw min_adv_interval                      uint16
     |     +--rw local_addr                            union
     |     +--rw passive_mode                          boolean
     |     +--rw capability_ext_nexthop                boolean
     |     +--rw disable_ebgp_connected_route_check    boolean
     |     +--rw enforce_first_as                      boolean
     |     +--rw solo_peer                             boolean
     |     +--rw ttl_security_hops                     uint8
     |     +--rw bfd                                   boolean
     |     +--rw bfd_check_ctrl_plane_failure          boolean
     |     +--rw capability_dynamic                    boolean
     |     +--rw dont_negotiate_capability             boolean
     |     +--rw enforce_multihop                      boolean
     |     +--rw override_capability                   boolean
     |     +--rw peer_port                             uint16
     |     +--rw shutdown_message                      string
     |     +--rw strict_capability_match               boolean
     |     +--rw admin_status                          boolean
     |     +--rw local_as_no_prepend                   boolean
     |     +--rw local_as_replace_as                   boolean
     +--rw BGP_PEER_GROUP_AF
     |  +--rw BGP_PEER_GROUP_AF_LIST* [vrf_name peer_group_name afi_safi]
     |     +--rw vrf_name                        -> /bgpg:sonic-bgp-global/BGP_GLOBALS/BGP_GLOBALS_LIST/vrf_name
     |     +--rw peer_group_name                 -> ../../../BGP_PEER_GROUP/BGP_PEER_GROUP_LIST[vrf_name=current()/../vrf_name]/peer_group_name
     |     +--rw afi_safi                        string
     |     +--rw admin_status                    boolean
     |     +--rw send_default_route              boolean
     |     +--rw default_rmap                    -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw max_prefix_limit                uint32
     |     +--rw max_prefix_warning_only         boolean
     |     +--rw max_prefix_warning_threshold    uint8
     |     +--rw max_prefix_restart_interval     uint16
     |     +--rw route_map_in*                   -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw route_map_out*                  -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw soft_reconfiguration_in         boolean
     |     +--rw unsuppress_map_name             -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw rrclient                        boolean
     |     +--rw weight                          uint16
     |     +--rw as_override                     boolean
     |     +--rw send_community                  bgp_community_type
     |     +--rw tx_add_paths                    bgp_tx_add_paths_type
     |     +--rw unchanged_as_path               boolean
     |     +--rw unchanged_med                   boolean
     |     +--rw unchanged_nexthop               boolean
     |     +--rw filter_list_in                  -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/AS_PATH_SET/AS_PATH_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw filter_list_out                 -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/AS_PATH_SET/AS_PATH_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw nhself                          boolean
     |     +--rw nexthop_self_force              boolean
     |     +--rw prefix_list_in                  -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/PREFIX_SET/PREFIX_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw prefix_list_out                 -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/PREFIX_SET/PREFIX_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw remove_private_as_enabled       boolean
     |     +--rw replace_private_as              boolean
     |     +--rw remove_private_as_all           boolean
     |     +--rw allow_as_in                     boolean
     |     +--rw allow_as_count                  uint8
     |     +--rw allow_as_origin                 boolean
     |     +--rw cap_orf                         sonic_bgp_orf
     |     +--rw route_server_client             boolean
        +--rw BGP_GLOBALS_LISTEN_PREFIX_LIST* [vrf_name ip_prefix]
           +--rw vrf_name      -> /bgpg:sonic-bgp-global/BGP_GLOBALS/BGP_GLOBALS_LIST/vrf_name
           +--rw ip_prefix     inet:ip-prefix
           +--rw peer_group    -> ../../../BGP_PEER_GROUP/BGP_PEER_GROUP_LIST[vrf_name=current()/../vrf_name]/peer_group_name

module: sonic-breakout_cfg
  +--rw sonic-breakout_cfg
     +--rw BREAKOUT_CFG
        +--rw BREAKOUT_CFG_LIST* [port]
           +--rw port           string
           +--rw brkout_mode    string

module: sonic-copp
  +--rw sonic-copp
     +--rw COPP_GROUP
     |  +--rw COPP_GROUP_LIST* [name]
     |     +--rw name             string
     |     +--rw queue            uint32
     |     +--rw trap_priority    uint32
     |     +--rw trap_action      stypes:copp_packet_action
     |     +--rw meter_type       stypes:meter_type
     |     +--rw mode             enumeration
     |     +--rw color            enumeration
     |     +--rw cir              uint64
     |     +--rw cbs              uint64
     |     +--rw pir              uint64
     |     +--rw pbs              uint64
     |     +--rw green_action     stypes:copp_packet_action
     |     +--rw yellow_action    stypes:copp_packet_action
     |     +--rw red_action       stypes:copp_packet_action
     +--rw COPP_TRAP
        +--rw COPP_TRAP_LIST* [name]
           +--rw name          string
           +--rw trap_ids      string
           +--rw trap_group    -> /sonic-copp/COPP_GROUP/COPP_GROUP_LIST/name

    +---x get-match-protocols
       +--ro output
          +--ro Match_protocols* [Protocol]
             +--ro Protocol    string

module: sonic-crm
  +--rw sonic-crm
     +--rw CRM
        +--rw Config
           +--rw acl_counter_threshold_type             stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw acl_counter_high_threshold             threshold
           +--rw acl_counter_low_threshold              threshold
           +--rw acl_group_threshold_type               stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw acl_group_high_threshold               threshold
           +--rw acl_group_low_threshold                threshold
           +--rw acl_entry_threshold_type               stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw acl_entry_high_threshold               threshold
           +--rw acl_entry_low_threshold                threshold
           +--rw acl_table_threshold_type               stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw acl_table_high_threshold               threshold
           +--rw acl_table_low_threshold                threshold
           +--rw fdb_entry_threshold_type               stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw fdb_entry_high_threshold               threshold
           +--rw fdb_entry_low_threshold                threshold
           +--rw ipv4_neighbor_threshold_type           stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw ipv4_neighbor_high_threshold           threshold
           +--rw ipv4_neighbor_low_threshold            threshold
           +--rw ipv4_nexthop_threshold_type            stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw ipv4_nexthop_high_threshold            threshold
           +--rw ipv4_nexthop_low_threshold             threshold
           +--rw ipv4_route_threshold_type              stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw ipv4_route_high_threshold              threshold
           +--rw ipv4_route_low_threshold               threshold
           +--rw ipv6_neighbor_threshold_type           stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw ipv6_neighbor_high_threshold           threshold
           +--rw ipv6_neighbor_low_threshold            threshold
           +--rw ipv6_nexthop_threshold_type            stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw ipv6_nexthop_high_threshold            threshold
           +--rw ipv6_nexthop_low_threshold             threshold
           +--rw ipv6_route_threshold_type              stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw ipv6_route_high_threshold              threshold
           +--rw ipv6_route_low_threshold               threshold
           +--rw nexthop_group_threshold_type           stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw nexthop_group_high_threshold           threshold
           +--rw nexthop_group_low_threshold            threshold
           +--rw nexthop_group_member_threshold_type    stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw nexthop_group_member_high_threshold    threshold
           +--rw nexthop_group_member_low_threshold     threshold
           +--rw polling_interval                       threshold
           +--rw dnat_entry_threshold_type              stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw dnat_entry_high_threshold              threshold
           +--rw dnat_entry_low_threshold               threshold
           +--rw snat_entry_threshold_type              stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw snat_entry_high_threshold              threshold
           +--rw snat_entry_low_threshold               threshold
           +--rw ipmc_entry_threshold_type              stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw ipmc_entry_high_threshold              threshold
           +--rw ipmc_entry_low_threshold               threshold
           +--rw mpls_inseg_threshold_type              stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw mpls_inseg_high_threshold              threshold
           +--rw mpls_inseg_low_threshold               threshold
           +--rw mpls_nexthop_threshold_type            stypes:crm_threshold_type
           +--rw mpls_nexthop_high_threshold            threshold
           +--rw mpls_nexthop_low_threshold             threshold

module: sonic-device_metadata
  +--rw sonic-device_metadata
        +--rw localhost
           +--rw hwsku                         stypes:hwsku
           +--rw default_bgp_status            enumeration
           +--rw docker_routing_config_mode    string
           +--rw hostname                      string
           +--rw platform                      string
           +--rw mac                           yang:mac-address
           +--rw default_pfcwd_status          enumeration
           +--rw bgp_asn                       inet:as-number
           +--rw deployment_id                 uint32
           +--rw type                          string
           +--rw buffer_model                  string
           +--rw frr_mgmt_framework_config     boolean

module: sonic-device_neighbor
  +--rw sonic-device_neighbor
        +--rw DEVICE_NEIGHBOR_LIST* [peer_name]
           +--rw peer_name     string
           +--rw name          string
           +--rw mgmt_addr     inet:ip-address
           +--rw local_port    -> /port:sonic-port/PORT/PORT_LIST/name
           +--rw port          string
           +--rw type          string

module: sonic-flex_counter
  +--rw sonic-flex_counter
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw DEBUG_COUNTER
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw PFCWD
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw PG_DROP
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw PG_WATERMARK
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw PORT
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw PORT_RATES
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw PORT_BUFFER_DROP
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw QUEUE
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw QUEUE_WATERMARK
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw RIF
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
        |  +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status
        +--rw RIF_RATES
           +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_STATUS          flex_status
           +--rw FLEX_COUNTER_DELAY_STATUS    flex_delay_status

module: sonic-interface
  +--rw sonic-interface
     +--rw INTERFACE
        +--rw INTERFACE_LIST* [name]
        |  +--rw name        -> /port:sonic-port/PORT/PORT_LIST/name
        |  +--rw vrf_name    -> /vrf:sonic-vrf/VRF/VRF_LIST/name
        |  +--rw nat_zone    uint8
        |  +--rw mpls        enumeration
        +--rw INTERFACE_IPPREFIX_LIST* [name ip-prefix]
           +--rw name         -> /port:sonic-port/PORT/PORT_LIST/name
           +--rw ip-prefix    union
           +--rw scope        enumeration
           +--rw family       stypes:ip-family

module: sonic-loopback-interface
  +--rw sonic-loopback-interface
        +--rw LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_LIST* [name]
        |  +--rw name        string
        |  +--rw vrf_name    -> /vrf:sonic-vrf/VRF/VRF_LIST/name
        |  +--rw nat_zone    uint8
        +--rw LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_IPPREFIX_LIST* [name ip-prefix]
           +--rw name         string
           +--rw ip-prefix    union
           +--rw scope        enumeration
           +--rw family       stypes:ip-family

module: sonic-mgmt_interface
  +--rw sonic-mgmt_interface
        +--rw MGMT_INTERFACE_LIST* [name ip_prefix]
           +--rw name                  -> /mgmtprt:sonic-mgmt_port/MGMT_PORT/MGMT_PORT_LIST/name
           +--rw ip_prefix             stypes:sonic-ip-prefix
           +--rw gwaddr                inet:ip-address
           +--rw forced_mgmt_routes*   union

module: sonic-mgmt_port
  +--rw sonic-mgmt_port
     +--rw MGMT_PORT
        +--rw MGMT_PORT_LIST* [name]
           +--rw name            string
           +--rw speed           uint16
           +--rw autoneg         string
           +--rw alias           string
           +--rw description     string
           +--rw mtu             uint16
           +--rw admin_status    stypes:admin_status

module: sonic-mgmt_vrf
  +--rw sonic-mgmt_vrf
     +--rw MGMT_VRF_CONFIG
        +--rw vrf_global
           +--rw mgmtVrfEnabled    boolean

module: sonic-nat
  +--rw sonic-nat
     +--rw STATIC_NAPT
     |  +--rw STATIC_NAPT_LIST* [global_ip ip_protocol global_l4_port]
     |     +--rw global_ip         inet:ipv4-address
     |     +--rw ip_protocol       stypes:ip-protocol-type
     |     +--rw global_l4_port    inet:port-number
     |     +--rw local_ip          inet:ipv4-address
     |     +--rw local_port        inet:port-number
     |     +--rw nat_type          nat-type
     |     +--rw twice_nat_id      uint16
     +--rw STATIC_NAT
     |  +--rw STATIC_NAT_LIST* [global_ip]
     |     +--rw global_ip       inet:ipv4-address
     |     +--rw local_ip        inet:ipv4-address
     |     +--rw nat_type        nat-type
     |     +--rw twice_nat_id    uint16
     +--rw NAT_GLOBAL
     |  +--rw Values
     |     +--rw admin_mode         stypes:admin_mode
     |     +--rw nat_timeout        uint32
     |     +--rw nat_tcp_timeout    uint32
     |     +--rw nat_udp_timeout    uint16
     +--rw NAT_POOL
     |  +--rw NAT_POOL_LIST* [name]
     |     +--rw name        string
     |     +--rw nat_ip      ip-address-range
     |     +--rw nat_port    string
     +--rw NAT_BINDINGS
        +--rw NAT_BINDINGS_LIST* [name]
           +--rw name            string
           +--rw nat_pool        -> ../../../NAT_POOL/NAT_POOL_LIST/name
           +--rw nat_type        nat-type
           +--rw twice_nat_id    uint16

module: sonic-ntp
  +--rw sonic-ntp
     +--rw NTP
     |  +--rw global
     |     +--rw src_intf*   union
     |     +--rw vrf         string
     +--rw NTP_SERVER
        +--rw NTP_SERVER_LIST* [server_address]
           +--rw server_address    inet:host

module: sonic-portchannel
  +--rw sonic-portchannel
     +--rw PORTCHANNEL
     |  +--rw PORTCHANNEL_LIST* [name]
     |     +--rw name            string
     |     +--rw members*        union
     |     +--rw min_links       uint8
     |     +--rw description     string
     |     +--rw mtu             uint16
     |     +--rw admin_status    stypes:admin_status
     |     +--rw lacp_key        union
     |     +--rw tpid            stypes:tpid_type
     |  +--rw PORTCHANNEL_MEMBER_LIST* [name port]
     |     +--rw name    -> /sonic-portchannel/PORTCHANNEL/PORTCHANNEL_LIST/name
     |     +--rw port    -> /port:sonic-port/PORT/PORT_LIST/name
        +--rw PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE_LIST* [name]
        |  +--rw name        -> /sonic-portchannel/PORTCHANNEL/PORTCHANNEL_LIST/name
        |  +--rw vrf_name    -> /vrf:sonic-vrf/VRF/VRF_LIST/name
        |  +--rw nat_zone    uint8
        |  +--rw mpls        enumeration
        +--rw PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE_IPPREFIX_LIST* [name ip_prefix]
           +--rw name         -> /sonic-portchannel/PORTCHANNEL/PORTCHANNEL_LIST/name
           +--rw ip_prefix    stypes:sonic-ip-prefix

module: sonic-port
  +--rw sonic-port
     +--rw PORT
        +--rw PORT_LIST* [name]
           +--rw name                   string
           +--rw alias                  string
           +--rw lanes                  string
           +--rw description            string
           +--rw speed                  uint32
           +--rw autoneg                string
           +--rw adv_speeds*            union
           +--rw interface_type         stypes:interface_type
           +--rw adv_interface_types*   union
           +--rw mtu                    uint16
           +--rw index                  uint16
           +--rw admin_status           stypes:admin_status
           +--rw fec                    string
           +--rw pfc_asym               string
           +--rw tpid                   stypes:tpid_type

module: sonic-route-common
  +--rw sonic-route-common
        +--rw ROUTE_REDISTRIBUTE_LIST* [vrf_name src_protocol dst_protocol addr_family]
           +--rw vrf_name        union
           +--rw src_protocol    string
           +--rw dst_protocol    string
           +--rw addr_family     string
           +--rw route_map*      -> /rmap:sonic-route-map/ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw metric          uint32

module: sonic-route-map
  +--rw sonic-route-map
     +--rw ROUTE_MAP_SET
     |  +--rw ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST* [name]
     |     +--rw name    string
     +--rw ROUTE_MAP
        +--rw ROUTE_MAP_LIST* [name stmt_name]
           +--rw name                               string
           +--rw stmt_name                          uint16
           +--rw route_operation                    rpolsets:routing-policy-action-type
           +--rw match_interface                    route-map-intf
           +--rw match_prefix_set                   -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/PREFIX_SET/PREFIX_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw match_ipv6_prefix_set              -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/PREFIX_SET/PREFIX_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw match_protocol                     string
           +--rw match_next_hop_set                 -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/PREFIX_SET/PREFIX_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw match_src_vrf                      union
           +--rw match_neighbor*                    union
           +--rw match_tag*                         uint32
           +--rw match_med                          uint32
           +--rw match_origin                       string
           +--rw match_local_pref                   uint32
           +--rw match_community                    -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/COMMUNITY_SET/COMMUNITY_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw match_ext_community                -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/EXTENDED_COMMUNITY_SET/EXTENDED_COMMUNITY_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw match_as_path                      -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/AS_PATH_SET/AS_PATH_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw call_route_map                     -> ../../../ROUTE_MAP_SET/ROUTE_MAP_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw set_origin                         string
           +--rw set_local_pref                     uint32
           +--rw set_med                            uint32
           +--rw set_metric_action                  metric-action-type
           +--rw set_metric                         uint32
           +--rw set_next_hop                       string
           +--rw set_ipv6_next_hop_global           string
           +--rw set_ipv6_next_hop_prefer_global    boolean
           +--rw set_repeat_asn                     uint8
           +--rw set_asn                            uint32
           +--rw set_asn_list                       string
           +--rw set_community_inline*              string
           +--rw set_community_ref                  -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/COMMUNITY_SET/COMMUNITY_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw set_ext_community_inline*          string
           +--rw set_ext_community_ref              -> /rpolsets:sonic-routing-policy-sets/EXTENDED_COMMUNITY_SET/EXTENDED_COMMUNITY_SET_LIST/name
           +--rw set_tag                            uint32

module: sonic-routing-policy-sets
  +--rw sonic-routing-policy-sets
     +--rw PREFIX_SET
     |  +--rw PREFIX_SET_LIST* [name]
     |     +--rw name    string
     |     +--rw mode    enumeration
     +--rw PREFIX
     |  +--rw PREFIX_LIST* [name sequence_number ip_prefix masklength_range]
     |     +--rw name                -> ../../../PREFIX_SET/PREFIX_SET_LIST/name
     |     +--rw sequence_number     uint32
     |     +--rw ip_prefix           inet:ip-prefix
     |     +--rw masklength_range    string
     |     +--rw action              routing-policy-action-type
     +--rw COMMUNITY_SET
     |  +--rw COMMUNITY_SET_LIST* [name]
     |     +--rw name                string
     |     +--rw set_type            enumeration
     |     +--rw match_action        enumeration
     |     +--rw action              routing-policy-action-type
     |     +--rw community_member*   string
     |  +--rw EXTENDED_COMMUNITY_SET_LIST* [name]
     |     +--rw name                string
     |     +--rw set_type            enumeration
     |     +--rw match_action        enumeration
     |     +--rw action              routing-policy-action-type
     |     +--rw community_member*   string
     +--rw AS_PATH_SET
        +--rw AS_PATH_SET_LIST* [name]
           +--rw name                  string
           +--rw action                routing-policy-action-type
           +--rw as_path_set_member*   string

module: sonic-system-aaa
  +--rw sonic-system-aaa
     +--rw AAA
        +--rw AAA_LIST* [type]
           +--rw type           enumeration
           +--rw login          string
           +--rw failthrough    boolean
           +--rw debug          boolean

module: sonic-system-tacacs
  +--rw sonic-system-tacacs
     |  +--rw TACPLUS_SERVER_LIST* [ipaddress]
     |     +--rw ipaddress    inet:host
     |     +--rw priority     uint8
     |     +--rw tcp_port     inet:port-number
     |     +--rw timeout      uint16
     |     +--rw auth_type    auth_type_enumeration
     |     +--rw passkey      string
     |     +--rw vrf          string
     +--rw TACPLUS
        +--rw global
           +--rw auth_type    auth_type_enumeration
           +--rw timeout      uint16
           +--rw passkey      string
           +--rw src_intf     union

module: sonic-versions
  +--rw sonic-versions
     +--rw VERSIONS
        +--rw DATABASE
           +--rw VERSION    string

module: sonic-vlan
  +--rw sonic-vlan
     |  +--rw VLAN_INTERFACE_LIST* [name]
     |  |  +--rw name        -> /sonic-vlan/VLAN/VLAN_LIST/name
     |  |  +--rw vrf_name    -> /vrf:sonic-vrf/VRF/VRF_LIST/name
     |  |  +--rw nat_zone    uint8
     |  |  +--rw mpls        enumeration
     |  +--rw VLAN_INTERFACE_IPPREFIX_LIST* [name ip-prefix]
     |     +--rw name         -> /sonic-vlan/VLAN/VLAN_LIST/name
     |     +--rw ip-prefix    union
     |     +--rw scope        enumeration
     |     +--rw family       stypes:ip-family
     +--rw VLAN
     |  +--rw VLAN_LIST* [name]
     |     +--rw name            string
     |     +--rw vlanid          uint16
     |     +--rw description     string
     |     +--rw dhcp_servers*   inet:ip-address
     |     +--rw mtu             uint16
     |     +--rw admin_status    stypes:admin_status
     +--rw VLAN_MEMBER
        +--rw VLAN_MEMBER_LIST* [name port]
           +--rw name            -> /sonic-vlan/VLAN/VLAN_LIST/name
           +--rw port            union
           +--rw tagging_mode    stypes:vlan_tagging_mode

module: sonic-vrf
  +--rw sonic-vrf
     +--rw VRF
        +--rw VRF_LIST* [name]
           +--rw name        string
           +--rw fallback    boolean